318. Are you listening to your child’s story?

Good morning. キッズのスペシャリスト、てっちゃんコーチです。I’m a kid’s specialist, Teppan Coach.

あなたはちゃんと子どもの話を聞いていますか?Are you listening to your child’s story properly?

私は聞けてない時がよくあります(泣)I often can not hear (cry)


心を相手に向けてしっかりと聞くことを「傾聴」と言います。It is called listening to hear your heart firmly and to hear it firmly.

子どもが本当に話を聞いてほしい時は、あなたにも分かるはず。When a child really wants to hear a story, you should know it.

そこでほんの少しだけ手を止めて向き合ってみる。I just stop my hand and try to face each other.

解決策を伝える必要はありません。There is no need to communicate the solution.

それは自分で考える力を奪うことになりますから。It will take away the power to think for yourself.



傾聴することは共感することでもあります。Listening is also empathy.



大切なのは共感です。The important thing is empathy.



子どもの話を最後まで聞かず、結論を急がせてしまう。It does not listen to the story of the child until the end, and the conclusion is rushed.

途中で口を挟んでしまう。I caught my mouth on the way.

ハイハイと適当にあしらう。We treat with high-high properly.


子どもからのメッセージを受け取ること。Receiving a message from your child.

それは自分への気付きにつながるし、It leads to notice of oneself,

何かのヒントにもなる。It is also a hint of something.

反省の材料かもしれません。It may be a material of reflection.

成長の材料かもしれません。It may be a growing material.


でも、そんなチャンスはあと数年。But that chance is another few years.

子どもはすぐに反抗期に突入し、The child rushed into rebellion immediately

大きくなり、親元を離れていく。It grows and leaves its parents.



子どもの話を聞く。Listen to the story of the child.

共感を示す。Show empathy.

信頼関係が生まれる。A relationship of trust is born.

安心感が生まれる。A sense of security is born.


子どもはすくすく成長する。Children grow quickly.



そのために必要なのは、What is necessary for that

あなたの「心のゆとり」です。It’s your “clean heart”.

ゆとりがないと子どもからのメッセージを受け取れませんからね。If you do not have room, you can not receive a message from your child.



あなたはとても頑張っています。You are doing very hard.

家族のことをいつも考え、Always thinking about the family,

子どもの事をいつも考え、Always thinking about children

仕事の事も考え、Thinking about work,




自分自信の事は考えていますか?Are you thinking about yourself? . . .


あなたのゆとりがすべてを循環させます。Your room will circulate everything.

自分を認めて労ってください。Please acknowledge and work yourself.


さて、今日子どもは何の話をしてくれるかな?Well, what do children talk about today?


さあ、深呼吸して。Come on, take a deep breath.

笑顔を作って。Make a smile.

いってらっしゃ~い!It’s okay!


今日1日があなたにとって心に余裕のある笑顔の1日となりますように。I hope today will be a day of smile that you can afford.


(^_-)-☆てつ(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu


★伊勢原駅前に国産木材でスタジアムを作る★★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

317. Who is responsible?

Good morning. I’m a kid’s specialist, Teppan Coach.

I am taking a survey of the parents of the forest.

We are still on the way, but somehow we got the trend.

I also ask why I chose Forest.

Most of them are “trust relationships” with children, coaches and parents

And, “I agree with the teaching philosophy.”


We allow children to think and act on their own through football.

We will improve the independence of the children and polish their humanity to create the most attractive team in Japan.

And we make a stadium with wood in front of Isehara Station.


So, I have a responsibility.

We will bring up children who are now to be good working people.

That they make a stadium

Makes people in Isehara smile, health and happiness.


Specifically, my responsibility is

Responsibility to ensure that you can eat well in a turbulent society.

Responsibilities to make you live happily your own way.


Speaking in football,

We will have to relay the children who have been in charge over the past year to the next year.

It is a responsibility to improve technology, tactics and human power and connect them to the next category.

Information sharing among staff is always on.


I will do it if I say to do it.

Everybody trusts me that I will do it.

So I have a responsibility.

We have a responsibility to grow the children we have deposited.

Of course, all the staff at Forrest feel it.

There is no way to launch a team with half-hearted feeling.

Children, coaches and parents grow together.



It is important to remember that

I value myself

Responsibility to cherish the family.

It may be said that it is worth living.

What is your responsibility?

With a feeling of gratitude. . .

Isehara FC Forest




I hope today will be a wonderful day for you.


(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu


★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

316. Do your own things, awareness and habits

Through soccer, children are able to think and act on their own, and improve their skills, tactics and humanity with a four-step theory.


In Forest, children are asked to write a letter when they take a break from practice or a game.

I write even in first graders.

Naturally, I do not know how to write, so I write with my dad and mother.

Parent-child communication there is important.

I write the necessary information in Japanese.

I want to use learned kanji as much as possible.

It is more important than learning foreign languages.

In case of sudden rest, I will call the coach directly.

At first “Ah, T-chan coach? I will rest tomorrow!

This is all right (laughs)

When the school year goes up, you can say why.

You can say “I’ll excuse you” before you hang up.



We may write documents for selection and various applications.

In the forest, children are encouraged to write on their own.

It is because it is basic to do one’s thing by oneself.

It is me to receive the selection.

If you are writing appropriately, it is that degree.

If you write carefully and slowly you should not be able to read it.


The application form for selection requires the coach’s signature and seal.

Do parents bring it with “Please”,

It is a big difference whether children will come.



I forgot the ball! I forgot to apply it!

There are children who blame this for their parents.

Mom did not prepare. . .


Well, who is playing soccer? ? ?


Have your own luggage.

It doesn’t matter if it’s heavy.


The habit of doing your own thing


A child who has a (passive) sense that he / she is taught by a coach does not grow as well.

The same is true for parents.

First of all.

That is me.

It is my own motivation and fun.

I am happy, satisfied or smiling.

That’s it, for the first time the coach’s advice comes to life.

Study, soccer, soccer, play, and work are all the same.


May one day be an important day for you today.


(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu


★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

315. Play × Coaching = Quality of Instruction

Through soccer, children are able to think and act on their own, and improve their skills, tactics and humanity with a four-step theory.

色々な指導方法や理論があります。There are various teaching methods and theories.

どうしたら子どもが自分で答えを導き出せるのか。How do children get their own answers?

それを突き詰めていきたいと思っています。I want to push it down.

例えば、キックの練習を1つ取ってみても指導方法は様々です。For example, there is a variety of teaching methods even if you take one kick practice.

当然子どもに教えるのか、大人に教えるのかでは全くアプローチの方法が違います。Naturally, the method of approach is completely different in teaching children and teaching adults.

更に、子どもといっても幼児なのか低学年なのか高学年なのかでも大きく異なります。Furthermore, even if it is a child, even if it is an infant, a low grade, or a high grade, it is very different.

キッズ年代であれば「遊び」の要素や「競争」の要素をたくさん盛り込む必要があります。If it is a kids’ age, it is necessary to incorporate many elements of “play” and “competition”.

ここに足を置いて~Put your feet here ~

膝をかるく曲げて~Bend your knees lightly

足首を~Ankle ~

助走の角度は~The angle of approach is ~

フォロースルーは~Follow-through is …

しかし、そのうちコーチの表情が変わり、However, the coach’s expression changed over time

そうじゃないよ!That’s not it!

もっとこうするんだよ!I will do more!

コーチは、イライラ。The coach is frustrated. . .

子どもは、しょぼん。Children are not happy. . .

初歩の段階では、At the beginning stage,

よ~し、キックだ~!Oh, it’s a kick!

あのコーンを倒すぞ!I will beat that corn!

あ~外れた!Oh yeah!

やった~!I did it! 当たった!I got it!

などの楽しい雰囲気。Fun atmosphere such as. やる気。Motivation. 遊び感覚。Sense of play. 競争感覚が大切です。A sense of competition is important.

ブルーナーの「発見学習」も参考になります。Bruner’s “discovery learning” is also helpful.

それは、that is,

学習すべきことを直接提示するのではなく、Instead of presenting things to learn directly,

学習者が自ら発見する教授モデルです。It is a teaching model that learners discover on their own.

まず、問題を見つける。First, find the problem.

仮設を立てる。Make a temporary installation.


結論を導き出す。I draw a conclusion.

というものです。It is said.

内的モチベーションが高い反面、自ら発見するのには時間がかかる場合もあります。While internal motivation is high, sometimes it takes time to discover oneself.

そうなんです。That’s right. . . 時間がかかるのです。It takes time. . .

もちろん時間がかかってもいいのですが、どこかのタイミングで質問すると、より自分で考えて上達できる可能性が高くなります。Of course it can also take time, but if you ask at some point, you are more likely to think and improve on your own.

「どこを見てキックすればいいかな~?」“Where should I look and kick?”

「足のどこでキックするの?」“Where do you kick on your feet?”

そして、できたことを認めて伝える。Then acknowledge and communicate what you have done.

するとそのできたことが強化される。Then that thing is strengthened.

そうやって遊ぶ中でどうやってキックしたら思ったところにボールが飛んでいくのかを考えさせるのです。That’s how I play in this way, and I think about how the ball will fly to where I thought if I kicked.

更に更に!Even more!

年上のお兄さんやお姉さんが、年下の子どもに教える!Older brothers and sisters teach younger children!

というのもかなり効果的です!It is also quite effective!

なぜなら、お互いの学びや気付きになるからです。Because they learn and notice each other.

これらの方法であれば、答えを教えてやらせるよりもモチベーションは高いし、考える力も付くし、自分にあった技術も身に付けることができます。With these methods, you will be more motivated, have the power to think, and you will be able to acquire the skills that you have.

もちろん、指導者の「観る力」「質問力」「言語化能力」「伝達力」「雰囲気づくり」「経験」などをフルに発揮させるコーチングが必要です。Of course, we need coaching to make the instructors’s “seeing ability”, “questioning ability”, “verbalization ability”, “communicating ability”, “atmosphere building”, “experience” etc.

練習の質は、見る人が見れば分かります。The quality of practice can be seen by the viewer.

遊びの中に様々な「しかけ」がさりげなく組み込まれています。In the play, various “hanging” is casually incorporated.

伊勢原FCフォレストIsehara FC Forest

今日1日があなたにとって気付きのある1日となりますように。May one day be a day that you are aware of.

(^_-)-☆てつ(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu

★伊勢原駅前に国産木材でスタジアムを作る★★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

314. The world’s highest level league game ( Sottaku league ) is open!

Through soccer, children are able to think and act on their own, and improve their skills, tactics and humanity with a four-step theory.

今年度もヤバいリーグ戦が開幕しました。The dangerous league game has started this year.

何がヤバいのか?What’s dangerous?

それは、that is,

「子どもの成長率」です。It is “the growth rate of children”.

そのリーグ戦の名前は、The name of the league match is

「啐啄(そったく)リーグ」“Sottaku League”

啐啄は啐啄同時から来ています。Sottaku is coming from Sottaku douji.

詳しくは去年のブログを参考にしてください。Please refer to last year’s blog for details.


95.95. Jリーグでもブンデスリーガでもない。It is neither a J-League nor a Bundesliga. 啐啄(そったく)リーグです!It is a 啐 啄 (リ ー グ た く) league!


さて、このリーグ戦はWell, this league match

  • 審判なしで子どもたちのセルフジャッジChildren’s Self-Judgement without Referee


  • ペナルティーエリアがオフサイドラインPenalty area is offside line


  • ノーコーチングで子どもたちが、メンバー、作戦、交代などを決める。With no coaching, children decide on members, operations, and shifts.


  • 子どもが自分たちでタイムスケジュールを見て、何時にどのコートで試合かを確認する。The children see the time schedule by themselves, and at what time and on which court they are playing.



当然失敗も沢山あります!Naturally there are many mistakes! (笑)(Lol)


  • 到着するやいなや2年生が「パスモがない!」ということで5年生がダッシュで探しに行ってくれて無事に発見!As soon as they arrived, the 5th grader went for a dash in search of “no pasmo!” And found it safely!


  • 時刻表の平日と土日を見間違える。He miss the weekday and the weekend on the timetable.


  • 間違ったバスに乗り、途中で気付く。Take the wrong bus and notice on the way.


  • ケンカが勃発。Kenka breaks out.


  • 試合のスケジュールを把握せず、自分たちの試合なのにピッチに相手しかいない。Without knowing the schedule of the game, even though they are their match, there is only opponent on the pitch.


  • ベンチで寝そべっていたら、試合中のボールが飛んできて顔面にぶつかる。If you lie on the bench, the ball during the game will fly and hit your face.


一番感慨深いのは、5年生が2・3年生を電車バスで試合会場に連れてきた事です。The most intriguing thing is that the fifth grader brought the second and third graders to the game hall by train bus.

電車の乗り換えは何度もあり、駅からはバスに乗る。There are many train transfers, and I take a bus from the station.

2年前は連れてきてもらう立場。A position to be brought in two years ago.

今年は低学年を連れてくる立場。A position to bring lower grade this year.

そしてもちろん、試合の合間、試合後には水遊び♪And of course, during the game, after the game ♪

驚いたことに、解散前にK君が水遊びしていた場所に走って行き、みんなの忘れ物がないか確認しに行きました。To my surprise, I ran to the place where Mr. K was playing in the water before the break up, and went to check if everyone had lost something.

それを見ていた仲間が「いいとこメガネ」でしっかりとそれを発表する!The fellow who was looking at it announces it firmly with “good cousin glasses”!

チームで使ったビブスをたたんでしまっている子もいる。Some children have had the bibs they used in the team.

荷物を整理しようぜー!Let’s organize the luggage! と声をかけている子もいる。Some children are calling out.

試合内容は、味方の位置をよく把握して1タッチ、2タッチで小気味良くパスをつなぐ。The contents of the match are grasping the position of allies well and one pass, two touch connects the pass with good feeling with two touch.

キーパーから組み立てようとしている。I’m trying to assemble from the keeper.

かと思えばトップの選手はドリブルで強引に突破してシュートまでいく。If it thinks, the top player dribbles and aggressively breaks through and goes to the shot.

ロングシュートも強烈!The long shoot is also intense!

皆がピッチで自分を表現していて、とにかく楽しそうにプレーする。Everyone is expressing himself on the pitch and playing happily anyway.

それらは、このリーグ戦の環境のおかげでしょう😃They will be thanks to the environment of this league game😃

ジュントスさんやその他の参加チームの皆様に感謝です。Thank you to FC Juntos and other participating teams.

また来月からもよろしくお願いいたします♪Also thank you from next month ♪

今日1日があなたにとって楽しい1日となりますように。I hope today will be a fun day for you.

(^-^)/てつ(^-^) / Tetsu

★伊勢原駅前に国産木材でスタジアムを作る★★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

313. My child, just complaining! That’s good! He will play an active part in society in the future!

Good morning. I’m a kid’s specialist, Teppan Coach.

The new year has started and it has been about two weeks.

If you are strongly rejecting changes in the environment, or if you have one side that does not try to bend rigidly once you argue once, it may be a “negative type”.

At the Japan Kids Coaching Association , human beings are born with five temperament.

It may be uneasy to hear negative, but please rest assured.

There are many good things to do and parenting can be unbelievably easier if you can understand the negative characteristics.

Negative children always complain and say the opposite thing.

It is “a manifestation of anxiety.”

“Say again complaining!”

“Why are you always complaining!”

“Why not ?!”

I would like to say


Oh, this boy is full of anxiety now.


If you can think of it, you won’t get lost.

If you have a lot of anxiety, you can alleviate it by tapping into something you like.

On the contrary, it can lead to confidence.

It may be art-related or sports.

Originally, people have a greater concentration and sense of responsibility, so if they can exert their abilities, they may become artists and athletes.

It gives the best results if given a job, and in fact it is also a negative type feature that can be active as a leader.

What I used to say, “I can not understand my child” turns into “exciting” if I can understand the characteristics of temperament.

I was looking forward to it in the future!


I hope today will be an exciting day for you.


(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu


★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

312. Why is life determined by childhood work?

Good morning. I’m a kid’s specialist, Tetchan Coach.


The approach to the children’s age determines the life of the child.

I used to go to elementary school every day in Shonan Bellmare’s circuit classes, and I met about 15,000 people a year.

Through football I have conveyed the virtues of “caring,” “cooperation,” “giving.”

I have noticed that.

That means that even though they are telling the same thing, the way of entering the heart is completely different in sixth grade and first grade.

After all, the lower the age, the more flexible the mind.

You can say frankly “Thank you!” Or “Sorry”.

Even a 45-minute lesson can make a dramatic difference.

That won’t be the case when the grade comes up.

Of course, since the ego is also emerging, a little bit of word is not readily available.

Take care of friends.

Thank you.

Think in the other party’s position.

I can’t say a little word.

Can you do a little action?

That’s how human relationships change.

You can learn them through football.

However, it is better to learn lower than older ones.

Moreover, it is important to accumulate the work in each practice.

Forrest staff are all understood, approached to the grade, approach to the individual.


I hope today will be a wonderful day for you.

(^-^) / Tetsu

★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

311. Thoughts for forest start

Through soccer, children are able to think and act on their own, and improve their skills, tactics and humanity with a four-step theory.


When I launched Isehara FC Forest, what turned out to be a turning point in my life was studying abroad in Germany.

What I thought and left Japan.

that is,


Having your own life cut out by yourself.


If you don’t say anything, no one listens.

If nothing moves, no one sees.

There is no one who cares.

If you stay there, you will be recognized as “people who want to stay there.”


vice versa,,,


I will hear it if I say a word.

I will watch it if I move.

Connect with people and life starts to move.

When it becomes active, it is recognized as an “active person.”

Let’s go for a drink! It is invited.

Let’s play soccer! You can talk to me.

Let’s eat together! And the party begins.

There are more friends.

You will be able to do what you want to do.

Everybody helps.


It depends on how you live.

So it’s very free.

But freedom = responsibility

Others can not live their lives.

My life is my responsibility.


So first of all children learn through football.

that is,



“Do yourself thinking and acting”



It becomes.

Isehara FC Forest

Children through football,

It is a football club where you can think and act on your own.

Official website is here




May today be a day to start something for you.


(^ _-)-☆ Tetsu


★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

310. It is slow to build ○○ and it is instant to break.

Good morning. I’m a kid’s specialist, Teppan Coach.

“Building a relationship of trust with your child”

That is the first thing you should do, if you are a coach

Also, it is no exaggeration to say that it will last forever.

It takes time to build a trust, but it’s an instant to break.

There was a 5-year-old boy who once loved me.

He was always working hard on football and physical education, and he enjoyed to participate.

So I also loved him.

However, in the physical education lesson of one day, the child deliberately makes fun


“Can I quit physical education?”


Had said to me.

I was very shocked.

I do not know what he said so.

Maybe physical education was boring.

I understand that it is not the one I really said.

But as i am annoyed

“If you want to quit, why not do it today?”

I was told with an angry look.

The child was said to be kidding, but I was fascinated by a great expression from me.

Even though the relationship between me and the boy was doing so well,

It ended with “I” with my expression.

I was hurting him and my trust relationship was no longer restored.

As I mentioned before, I can not forget the face of the child and the troubled face of the child’s mother.

You can not build a trusting relationship in an instant.

Conversely, trust relationships can be broken in an instant.

That is one word.

It’s really a moment.

If I can not afford my mind, I will immediately be irritated.

Even if I don’t have to get angry, I get angry.

I reflect on myself at that time.

Well, what is your state of mind today?


I hope today will be a day for you to learn a lot.

(^-^) / Tetsu

★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

309. Conversation techniques for children to study from themselves

Through soccer, children are able to think and act, and they are the town revival soccer coaches who improve their skills, tactics and human power with the four-step theory.

勉強でもスポーツでも親が子どもにやらせるのではなく、自分からやるようにしたいですよね。I would like parents to do their own work, not studying or doing sports, to their children.

そのためには褒めること、認めることが大切です。For that purpose, it is important to give up and acknowledge.

しかしながら私たち親が「褒める・認める」をすることが少ないのが現状です。However, the present situation is that there are few cases in which our parents “give up and acknowledge”.

褒めることが見つからないんです。I can not find that I give up. という人も多いのではないでしょうか。There may not be many people.


それは、大きなこと、成果の出たことを誉めようとするからです。It is because we try to praise big things and achievements.

例えば、For example,

テストで100点取った!I took 100 points in the test!

サッカーでシュートを決めた!I decided to shoot with football!


でも100点取るまで待ってられない。But I can not wait until I get 100 points.

シュートを決めるまで待ってられない。I can not wait until I decide to shoot.

一体いつになったら褒めるタイミングが来るのか、、、When will it be time to give up, …

となりませんか?Is it not?

宿題を自分からなかなかやらない場合、If you do not do homework from yourself,

やりなさい!do it! と強制したくないですよね。I do not want to force it.

宿題があるのかないのか聞いてみて、こどもがもしAsk if there is homework or not, children

「あるよ。今日はこれとこれ!」“There is. Today is this and this!”

みたいに答えてくれたら、If you answer me like

「じゃあ、早くやりなさいよ!」“Oh, do it fast!”


「おっ!そうか!今日はこれとこれなんだね。宿題のこと覚えているんだね」“Oh! I see! Today is this and this. I remember my homework.”

だけでOK!Just OK!

あとは放っておく(笑)Let’s leave the rest (laughs)

数日たって、A few days later

「宿題やらなきゃ。めんどくさいな~」“I have to do my homework.

と言ったら、If you say,

「そんなこと言ってないで、はやくやりなさい!」“Don’t say that, do it fast!”


「やらなきゃいけない!って分かっているんだね。分かっているだけでも凄い!」“I know I have to do it! I know. Even if I only understand it is amazing!”

だけでOK!Just OK!

あとは放っておく(笑)Let’s leave the rest (laughs)

このように行動に対してではなく、意識していること、覚えていること、ちょっとの意欲を認めて、言葉を繰り返してみる。In this way, you are not aware of your actions, but be aware of what you are aware of, remember and a little willingness, and repeat the words.

100点取るまで褒められないのか、I can not give up until I get 100 points,

ちょっとやる気を見せただけでも褒められるのか、Can you give up just by showing a little motivation?

これは大きな違いです。This is a big difference.

座って鉛筆を持っただけでも凄い!Just sitting and holding a pencil is ugly! となります。It will be.

やれなくてもOK!Even if you do not do it OK!

「座って鉛筆を持てたね!」“I sat and got a pencil!”

これ以上は言わない。I will not say more than this. 放っておく(笑)Leave it alone (laughs)

100点を取るための最初の1000分の1を褒めるのです。I give up the first thousandth to get 100 points.

はじめは「経験」という名の薄い紙を1枚1枚重ねていく。At first, we will stack thin sheets of paper named “experience” one by one.

1枚1枚は薄いので、なかなか高く積み上がりません。Because each sheet is thin, it does not pile up quite high.

でもそれが数ヵ月後に1枚の紙の厚さが急に分厚くなるんです。However, the thickness of a sheet of paper suddenly becomes thick after a few months.

やがて段ボール箱を重ねていけるようになるんです。It will eventually be possible to stack cardboard boxes.

最初から段ボールを重ねようとしても無理に決まってます。Even if it is going to pile cardboard from the beginning, it is decided forcibly.

子どものちょっとした変化や言動を認める。Recognize minor changes or behavior of the child.

ただそれだけ。Just that. . .

でもそれが出来るためには、あなたがストレスフルな状態だと不可能です。But to be able to do that is impossible if you are stressful.

心に余裕がないからです。Because I can not afford my heart.

まずは、あなたはあなたを大切に。First of all, you cherish you.

自分自身にも薄い紙を1枚。A thin sheet of paper for myself.

このブログを最後まで読めた自分に拍手👏Applause to myself was reading this blog until the last 👏

毎日読んでいたら、あなたも私も知らないうちに成長しています。If you read it every day, you grow up without even knowing you.

今日も読んでいただき、ありがとうございます。Thank you for reading today.

今日1日があなたにとって素敵な1日となりますように。I hope today will be a wonderful day for you.

(^-^)/てつ(^-^) / Tetsu

★伊勢原駅前に国産木材でスタジアムを作る★★ Make a stadium with domestic wood in front of Isehara Station ★

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